Soccer Moms, Beware!

90 Pound Suburban Housewife Drivin' in Her SUV.
It debuted on NPR's Car Talk in January and was recently spotlighted by Jeanne Moos on CNN. The song warns you, "She's hell on wheels. She's the new big deal. She's America's true sweetheart." Absolutely frickin' hilarious. If you're willing to shell out 99 cents, go ahead and buy it off of iTunes. It won't win any Grammys, but it sure is funny and so VERY true.
Now we need a song for those oblivious frat boys with the stereo blasting in their Camaros/Mustangs/Scions. Hey guys, those signs on the side of the road with the numbers? That's where that "speed limit" thing comes from. Do us all a favor and stay REMOTELY close to it, okay?
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