Monday, October 16, 2006

I'm out. Who wants more Cheez-its?

I've decided not to carry on with this blog. It's never become what I wanted it to be -- all my fault for not caring to dedicate the time to do so. I know when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em, and this blog is looking like a seven two off-suit with three pictures on the flop.

Eh, it was fun to play while it lasted. I welcome you to continue reading my personal blog at your leisure.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Where You At?

If you read this blog, I'd like to know where in the world you are! Please visit my Frappr! site at the link below and put yourself on the map. Thanks!

Monday, September 25, 2006

Fall Season In Full Swing.

I'm in the process of watching whatever looks interesting this fall season. There are a few shows that look like they'll tickle my fancy, so I'm making sure to watch them either when they run or afterward on the DVR.

Tonight, the DVR is set to record something during all three hours of primetime. The Class and How I Met Your Mother on CBS and Heroes and Studio 60 on NBC. This is on top of the few hours of previously-recorded shows I already have waiting for me to watch. I'm going to try and catch Studio 60 when it runs tonight. That way I'll be able to watch it in HD. Oh yeah, I bought an HD television this summer. TV has never looked so good. :-)

Speaking of Mother, its first season comes out on DVD November 21. I'll be buying it.

Monday, September 11, 2006

9/11 Remembered In Every Way Possible

Kudos to CNN for utilizing their "Pipeline" service to show LIVE streams of today's memorials and -- my favorite -- a real-time stream of their TV coverage on 9/11/2001.

Take a look if you get a chance.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Poor Paris.

Paris Hilton, after being arrested recently on drunk driving charges, said in an interview this morning, "Everything I do is blown out of proportion and it really hurts my feelings."

Guess what, honey: You're a celebrity now -- whether you deserve it or not. You've got to take the bad with the good. When a celebrity drives while under the influence and gets caught for speeding, the paparazzi and media are going to pay attention. Not your decision.

Now suck it up and be a big girl, 'kay?